This needs analysis has been prepared as part of the "Empowered Girls, Empowered Future" project, funded by the European Union (IPA III/2023/450-059) and implemented by the Aydın Doğan Foundation. It aims to comprehensively examine the empowerment processes of young women and girls in Turkey, identifying the challenges and opportunities they face in areas such as gender equality, (economic, social, political) empowerment, and leadership. Additionally, the analysis seeks to identify gaps that present potential for collaboration and capacity development with civil society organizations (CSOs) working in this field. This analysis serves as an essential guide for taking strategic steps towards the empowerment of women in Turkey.
As a foundation, we are working on the education of girls and women's rights and empowerment. For this purpose, we also support institutions that conduct in-depth research on education and women's issues, and we also conduct research studies in the areas they designate as possible opportunities.
In the research book, first, global targets related to girls’ access to education and empowerment in Turkey and the World are analyzed and the current situation is laid out by the most current data. In the second part, the studies of the Aydın Doğan Foundation for girls are analyzed in the light of this data and academic studies.
With this research we conducted in partnership with Education Reform Initiative in 2015; with the implementation of two important international assessments PISA and TIMS, the difference in achievement between boys and girls in Turkey and the reasons for this difference have been examined.
The research revealed that the advantageous characteristics of girls such as motivation for achievement, sense of belonging to the school, and love to learn were not reflected in the PISA and TIMS scores as they should have been, and the reasons for this situation should be investigated.
With this title, we shared the current research from the World and Turkey about the positive results of girls getting an education, for the girls themselves and the community.
We assessed the progress made in Turkey in the area of girls' education since the beginning of the Millennium Development Goals in the light of the UNESCO data.
In addition, the research summarizes the activities of the "Dad Please Send Me to School" campaign, reveals the effects it has created, and the impact of our foundation's support for girls' education projects since 2015.
On the website we created as Aydın Doğan Foundation, in cooperation with TESEV, we compiled information about the children in Turkey, specifically demographic, social, and economic data, and turned them into easy to understand and to analyze maps, graphics, and visuals.
Thus, we have made it easier for decision-makers, academics, and non-governmental organizations working on girls to benefit from this data.
In this study, which we carried out with Boğaziçi University Psychology Research and Application Center, a questionnaire has been conducted aimed at determining the academic, social, and emotional conditions and needs of young girls aged 14-18 living in the dormitories of "Dad Please Send Me to School" campaign and the physical, social and cultural conditions in the dormitory environment.
At the end of the study, in the light of the data collected from 30 dormitories, suggestions were made to form the basis of adolescent girls' development indicators, personal and academic development, and programs that will support dormitory life.
This research, carried out by the Istanbul Technical University Women's Research and Application Center in Science Engineering and Technology with the support of our foundation, evaluated the impact of additional expenditures on childcare centers and preschool education institutions on new job opportunities, the effects in terms of income and poverty, and their outcomes in terms of gender equality.