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Republic of Turkey, Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency – AFAD

The 20th Aydın Doğan Award, which is given every year to reward individuals and institutions that have won praise in national and international platforms in various fields such as culture, art, literature, science, is given to the Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency, by stepping out of the traditional categories of award recipients, to draw attention to the important presence of disasters and emergency needs and to support the work done to develop the efforts in this area, in the year 2016.


The Aydın Doğan Foundation's Board of Directors, which celebrated their 20th anniversary in 2016, declared that AFAD’s humanitarian work by embracing millions of Syrians fleeing the persecution of the regime and the civil war that has been going on in their country for 5 years is an important foreign aid. AFAD has played a major role in the execution of the project, has provided services by showing an impressive organizational ability in a short time and has demonstrated an exemplary success story in the world; and thus, unanimously decided to award AFAD with the Aydın Doğan Award. The Board of Directors also expressed their belief and hope that this award will contribute to the better knowledge and understanding of AFAD's work by the society and the outside world.