Through our Foundation, which was established by Aydın Doğan in 1996, for our girls who will assume important roles in the economic and social development of our country; we continue to utilize our opportunities to increase their contribution and impact in many fields such as education, science, culture and arts, and sports.
At the same time as our foundation activities, as a leader who works intensively in the field of technology, I see that the rapid change accelerated by the global pandemic and digital transformation; once again underlines the necessity for women and men to access knowledge and to contribute equally, in order for societies to achieve their full potential.
For these reasons, we continue our efforts to ensure that the young women of the future can continue their lives with equal opportunities, take the place they deserve in different areas of business life such as science, technology, and economy, and participate equally in decision-making processes.
One of our most important goals is to eliminate the countless barriers, gender-based discrimination, and prejudices that our girls face. In addition to these, we aim to contribute to the economy, qualified workforce development and enable our young girls to participate in society as productive individuals through the investments we make in the field of education and the scholarship opportunities we provide.
In the past, when we launched the 'Daddy Please Send Me to School' campaign in 2005, we have repeatedly witnessed the transformation these girls can go through, given equal opportunity. Our hope and excitement have always increased during these processes. Now while continuing our efforts with the same belief; our excitement and hope continue to increase exponentially as we see our girls, who start their business life as doctors, lawyers, scientists, and engineers by benefiting from our scholarship programs, and the positive steps taken towards developing leadership competencies and the ability to see new horizons, thanks to the contributions of strong female role models ...
I would like to thank all of our business partners and colleagues who are with us on this journey and have contributed to these efforts.
We all continue to say, “Empowered Girls, Empowered Future”.